Leilani Martinez
Research Assistant
As a member of the Research Team, Leilani utilizes her experience with data analyzation to compose stories that best characterize clients’ needs and goals. Leilani leverages her written and oral communication skills through collaboration with other Research Team members to ensure quality data is received via surveys and informed conclusions are made to best serve our clients.
Prior to joining the Art & Science Group just six months after graduating college, Leilani interned with the National Institute of Standards and Technology during as an undergraduate. At NIST, she worked on the production and publication of cybersecurity guidance for the world of research in higher education as well as informed recommendations to folks working with voting technology.
Beyond the Work
Leilani was born a Los Angeles Dodgers fan due to her father’s upbringing on Guam; the tiny island in Micronesia where only LA sports were available arriving as video tapes via boat at least one day after any sporting event. Outside of her love for the boys in Dodger blue, Leilani is an avid music fan. At the University of Maryland, she was a radio host and has over 100 concerts under her belt. During baseball’s off-season or when there aren’t any concerts to attend Leilani likes nothing more than to snuggle up with her cats, Yoshi and Tsuki, and knit.
B.S. Social Data Science, University of Maryland, College Park