Georgann Eubanks
Affiliate Consultant |
From the founding of Art & Science Group, Georgann Eubanks has served as an Affiliate Consultant with the firm. On behalf of our clients Georgann has conducted hundreds of qualitative research interviews with administrators, faculty, students, donors, and distinguished opinion leaders. She has assisted in the research design, analysis, and interpretation of findings. The firm has also engaged her in the creation of final reports, positioning statements, and other strategy and fundraising documents. Past clients include: Chautauqua Institution, Concord Academy, Dillard University, Florida State University, California Association of Independent Schools, Harvard Divinity School, Mercersburg Academy, Missouri Botanical Garden, University of Michigan Law School, and University of Minnesota Law School.
Georgann is also an Emmy-winning documentary producer for public television and is the author of five books from the University of North Carolina Press on topics ranging from North Carolina’s literary and culinary history to the current plight of endangered plants across the southeastern United States.
B.A. Public Policy Studies and Germanic Languages and Literature, Duke University